Sunday, September 30, 2007

SOS family gives back October 27th click here to view

On October 27th the Sisters of Savings will be having our annual reunion hosted by Teneka and Jeff of the Sisters of Savings family.

This will be a memorable occasion. The SOS family is partnering with The Giving Movement and the Make a Difference day and we will be replacing food and clothing that was stolen from two charities last week.

If you want to become involved in this project email me. I promise it will change your life.

It is so easy to be a giver and a life changer. Join the SOS family and decide to do something to make you feel proud.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Lynettes $1,000.00 can of corn

The Giving Movement
The Secret is Giving
I first discovered the secrets of giving when I was a little child. As a pastor’s kid, the doors of our church and home revolved like a grocery store while I watched my parents consistently give away food, clothing and provide financial assistance to the community.

Simply stated, giving is a learned behavior. Please allow me to share a lesson that I learned about giving with you. It happened in June, 2001 while I was visiting my sister, Lynette, who is a wife and mother of three children. I was extremely hungry as I opened my sister’s pantry but to my surprise I saw only ONE can of corn. Nothing else. Only one can of corn. I went back into the room and I tried to keep a straight face as we resumed our conversation. I watched Lynette smile as though nothing was wrong.

I drove home that day and I struggled with what to do. I’m hoping you fall into this category. What do you do? As I shared my findings with my husband he said “ I bet if I called your sister she would give that can of corn to me” so he picked up the telephone and asked Lynette for some food. It was a Saturday night, the next day we walked into church and I remember that Sunday morning so clearly. Lynette walked into church with her family at her side and she was smiling. She discretely handed my husband the can of corn and as I watched her kind deed, I could taste the salt of my tears as they locked under my cheek. My husband and I had agreed that if Lynette gave us that can of corn that we would give her $500.00 and we did! As the news about Lynette’s unselfish act began to spread around church, other people began to give her more money. This day would eventually go down in history as the most expensive can of corn that had ever been GIVEN away. Before the benediction, Lynette and her family received over $1,000.00 for a simple act of giving and as you might imagine, there wasn’t a dry eye in the building!

As host of the Nothing but Good News radio show, I decided to interview the most important living legend in my life, my mother, Minnie Ewing. During the show, I received a call in from Bob Hopkins, the founder and publisher of Philanthropy World Magazine . As he began to ask my mother questions we had a startling discovery. Bob asked my mother to tell him a story about giving.

My mother shared the story about a complete stranger coming to her house and asking for food. Since she and her brother were the only ones at home, they remembered what my grandmother had taught them. She taught them to give, even if it was your last, and that’s what they did. They gave that stranger, a chair and one can of CORN! While mother was sharing this story my sister and I sat in the studio and we were astonished and amazed. We cried because we realized how one woman had created a legacy of giving-three generations and it all started with a can of corn. That simple.

This story will help you discover what I did. When you give, however big or small, it always comes back. The photo to the left is the original can of corn that was given to us June, 2001. There was no way we could eat that particular can of corn. We decided to keep it as a reminder for us to always give something on a daily basis. Just like Lynette created a memory that we will never forget, I challenge you to do the same. There were many kernels in that can of corn, all very small but together they made a huge impact. There are many ways that you can give. Give your own corn, beans or whatever and watch the harvest! Every year gives us 365 days to become a giver. So each day that we live, we have the opportunity to give something ( a smile, hug, helping hand) My prayer for you is that you have the hands to get and the heart to give.

Join the Giving Movement,” The Giving Movement Organization, a nonprofit 501 c (3) organization to assist children and families throughout the world. Start today. Write your story. Share your story. There is no “I” in team but there is an “I” in Give. Be a Go-Giver! For kids sake. Cheryl Jackson
Founder, TGM

For kids sake, please help

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Saluting Shelley Brandt - SOS Giver of the Month

Sometimes people come into your life for a season and others for a reason. Her name is Shelley on the SOS message board and we believe she came into the Sisters of Savings life for both. She is a wonderful woman and mother. She is motivator and a life changer. If you have the pleasure of meeting her your life will not be the same. I could say alot about her but I will let the other family members speak for me.

Here is the alert Shelley sent out Okay, Most of you know that I am an OLD SOS member! Faithful and true...... Some of you know that I have rental property and have had a time with one in particular renter. Heres where angels are needed:

I inspected the home earlier this month and found it in complete disarray. What bothered me more was the empty fridge, freezer and cabinets. This renter is a single parent with 3 growing children.

They are in need of everything! These children need to eat.....
If you can spare any of your stockpile...please PM me and I can give you the address. Thanks in advance because I live the SOS way and I know there are angels among us who will step up!

After Shelley;s post this is what happened,

Kasie took a 24 pack of Toliet paper,Tide, Clorox bleach, bounce, foil, foil wrappers, ziploc bags, mustard, ketchup, weisheisierrjekjfr LOL i dont know how to spell it, a BIG BIG box of goldfish crackers, cereals, pastas, spaghetti and Ragu, puddings, fruit snacks, razor, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, bandaids, pasta in a box, man I cant remember it all i know there was more food. I couldn't leave like eggs and milk like i wished to because of the heat and she was working soooo.... there is a lot im not mentioning but those are what i remember. I made sure that she had OH pancake mixes and syrup, anyways I remebered there was things she could make meals out of or liek I sent PB and then had to make sure there was bread and Jelly. THings like that. I know I set her for a good while but ever bit helps I wish I could of gotten her a gift card or something but I don't even have a dime right now!!! But, Im sure she could use it all!!

Diane posted: I will be taking some stuff in the morning. Some Hamburger and Chicken Helper, Pasta and Prego, PB&J, canned veggies, cereal, popcorn, muffin mix, mayo, tuna, brownie mix, chips, CBAD Ravioli, Pork n beans, paper towels, toilet paper, apple juice, koolaid singles, pancake mix, cookie mix, pickles, Rice A Roni, Pasta Roni, rice, pasta roni, crackers, oil. We will also include a gift card to Kroger so she can buy some perishables

Teneka posted:
Sisters, cabinets on 1/2 of her kitchen had nothing in them. BY the time all of the food was unloaded those cabinets were full!!!! And her canned food pantry was full stacked 2' high!!!!!

And, her tears, when Kasie gave her a special bag all for her own!!!

Hubby is saying he can't even see 10 bags of food gone from my house!!!!! I didn't make a real dent in my stockpile but it made someones month!!!!!

Blessings to all of the sisters who have given to shelters, family, groups!!!! That feeling that I have now in my heart and my throat are irreplaceable!!! God Bless you all!!!!!!

I am Teneka Harris, I am a Sister of Savings, I am going to ride another "giving train!"

For those that want to join a family of life changers. Login now and bgin youir own movement. Shelley did it and you can too.