Monday, September 18, 2006

Where is Sandy?

In case you haven't read our message board, SANDY is on fire. She is all about saving money and helping others too. She eagerly jumps in and answers questions and she is all over the place saving here and there and then sharing it with others. That's what this is all about. Lynette and I had a dream, we wanted to educate others, have fun, and save money. We are doing all of the above.
Sandy is a prime example of how easy it is to use our system to save yourself hundreds of dollars. The holidays are approaching, and there is no better time than this to start saving money.
Sandy- we are so PROUD of you and we are glad you joined our family.

You are a sister for Life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here I am! I finally found my niche, and who would've thought I would be SHOPPING at the same time I'm saving and helping others?? Words cannot begin to express the gratitude I have to you girls for sharing your time, expertise and opening your arms to all of us!
I love to help anyway I can , and this just widens the path which I can gladly walk down helping others along the way! If I find a deal, I'll pass it on to my sisters!